The Dunstable and District Gun Club was formed in 1972, under the original name of the Horse and Jockey Club, by Ed Ferguson Terry Matcham and Johnny Jones.

Ed Ferguson was the only founder to remain actively involved with the club right up to his eventual passing in the spring of 2016


All assets of DDGC are owned collectively by 'All Current Members' The elected Committee take responsibility for the management of these assets, and for the day to day running of the club.

The following DDGC members make up the committee:

  1. Glenn Hale

  2. Tyler Dimmock

  3. Guy Birch-Jones

  4. Dave Hellard

  5. Harry Collins

  6. Colin O’Reilly

Please feel free to approach any of the above on a shoot day if you have any comments or suggestions.


Safety is extremely important to us, and we are constantly watching out for dangerous behaviour.

We have a set of ground rules that can be seen on the safety card or by visiting the safety page.

If you see any dangerous behaviour, please report this immediately. Your statement will be treated and dealt with anonymously.

To read our rules, click here.


Our shooting ground is not owned by the club, it is rented per shoot day. Because of this, it is important that all unbroken clays, cartridge cases and litter are picked up after the shoot.

In between shooting days, livestock occupy the grounds, and because of this we have a policy of using fibrewads only. Please DO NOT use plaswads, and report anyone that you see using them so that we can handle the matter anonymously, any damage to livestock could result in losing the use of the ground.

Our grounds have toilet facilities and refreshments are available.


There are 7 Trophies on offer for 'Club members only' throughout the year:

  • Loan-a-Loo DTL Winter Series Trophy, donated by Loan-a-Loo, runs from November to February

  • Adrian Spillman New Year Flurry : First shoot in January.

  • Ed Ferguson Walk Up Comp :- Held in March TBC*

  • Derek Peek DTL Trophy, donated by the family of Derek Peek :- Held in April.

  • The Dave Dimmock Sporting Trophy :- Shot in July

  • The Harvest Trophy :- Shot in August

  • Adrian White Sporting Trophy & Ladies Sporting Trophy :- Shot on the same day in September

  • And various flurries in addition to club shoots throughout the year.


We are open to offers of help from any member, whether they wish to help on shoot days or be involved in the internal running of the club. This includes Help at Work Party’s on non Shooting Days

The following is a list of particular types of help we are looking for:

Stand-in Committee members

  • To be called on a few times a year to cover holidays and sickness and to allow permanent committee members to take the occasional break!
    We offer a free 50 bird round and cartridges for the day you stand in.

  • Ground Clearers

  • To stay behind for up to an hour after shooting stops, to help pull in traps and clear the ground of unbroken clays and litter.
    We offer a free 50 bird round for the day you help out. Maximum 2 people.


  • To be available permanently or temporarily to help our current team of trappers. Trappers may be of any age but must be at least 16 years old, reasonably fit, reliable and willing to work! Preferably with transport but not essential.
    This is a paid position. Please contact us for more details.